Saturday, December 27, 2008

Philosophy - Zinda_ANgle

I wrote this many months back I suppose, just kinda as my philosophy, but still yeah I adhere to it, even though the situations have changed. So here it goes on blog:

Did it ever happen that one horrible incident would come to your mind whenever you are at rest and every night and make the night longer and push you to thoughts like if you did any misdeed to justify the agonizing moments in such restless resting moments. These thoughts become more painful when you are not sure “till when”.
As Sanjay Dutt was wondering in the movie ‘Zinda’, that if he knew that he had to suffer the pain for 14 years to be confined inside a cell and to be treated no better than a zoo animal, would that had lessen the pain or wouldn’t that even make the pain worse.

Pain like any other feeling is based on perspective thoughts and when we start comparing with a normal person and makes us feel like in a disadvantage, spells doom for the beautiful life gifted by God.
God gave so many gifts to us,
Some are physical: beauty power.
Some are mental: intellectual, spiritual.

Some are in the form of horrible accidents and its like a message that life is precious, don’t waste it, make it count. Also it’s a teaching that don’t just compare yourself with others as you see, we all have so many beautiful gifts that are not seen, use them, because God don’t count deeds, all he counts is how you have done the deeds.

We all believe in our hearts that there is one God that is almighty. How come we have such a high respect for a thing that we haven’t seen and we still feel that God has so many powers.
These powers if we can’t see and if they are so powerful, then why do we fear or feel at disadvantage comparing our other attributes like power, beauty, and intelligence with other people. Can’t we care to have the attributes that makes God a God and not care about the rather-seen attributes.

God can’t die: We should try to make our efforts that can’t die, relentless and believe that our deeds can never die.
God is all good deeds: A God is God because of its good deeds; we should try to do best in any activity we do.

To make my philosophy short, its just about attaining good skills of understanding how this nature and our lives work rather than care about other things.
I think that’s how great people have inspired us through their lives and made their beautiful in its truest sense.